Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week Four Poem-a-Week Challenge

This is my favorite one so far:

Top Ten Ways to Enjoy Quarantine
By Amy Fujimoto

  1. Netflix. Hulu. Youtube. Prime. These are your new friends.

  1. Hide your snacks. Or just eat them all really fast until they are gone. 
    Snacks are too tempting. 
    Better to keep them out of mind. 

  1. Eat your snacks. You are in quarantine. Snacks are your new friends!

  1. Zoom with your out-of-state family members. The 40 minute time limit 
    is helpful for when people start discussing politics.

  1. Stare out of the window longingly.

  1. Sigh dramatically.

  1. Yell at your kids that you need them. When they come to check on you, 
    laugh uproariously and yell NEVERMIND!

  1. Search the house for your hidden snacks. 
    I know that they are here somewhere. 
    Find them and eat them.

  1. Make your daughter cut your hair. 
  1. Since you can’t find your snacks, bake a cake. Hide it. 
    Eat it in your closet so your kids won’t know about it. 

You did it! You mastered quarantine!


S. Keogh said...

I love all your poems! But this one is my favorite!

superfantasticgirl said...

You are my inspiration, S. Keogh!